Need a Fresh Start?

Jun 19, 2013 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

(This article refers to tapping. If you are not familiar with EFT or tapping, please check out the What is EFT? Page)

 Do you have a regular morning routine? Maybe it’s prayer, devotions, meditation, tapping or a little yoga to get your day going. Your morning routine can make an amazing difference in how your day flows. I was recently introduced to Noah St John’s Afformations ( My limited understanding of this method is simply to turn affirmations into questions so that your brain will search for answers to the questions. With most affirmations, you simply state what you want in a positive statement such as: I easily release excess weight now. With Afformations, you turn that into a question so that your brain has to search for the answer. So it might look like: Why am I quickly and easily releasing excess weight now? This way your brain will help you find ways to easily and quickly release excess weight.

In the book, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn, Grabhorn talks about the FEELING behind a positive intention or affirmation. Therefore incorporating that idea, it’s useful to ask your questions with feeling and excitement and really begin to feel the JOY of what you are asking for. I’ve also heard that it helps to change your emphasis from one word to another as you say or read your intention. This might look like:  Why am I quickly and easily releasing excess weight now?  Why AM I quickly and easily RELEASING excess weight now? And so forth.

Here are a few suggestions to get you going on a quick morning tapping routine using Afformations.

Morning Tapping Afformations for Ending Emotional Eating/Weight Loss

(Tapping around the points and repeating three times with emphasis on different words)

Why am I quickly and easily releasing excess weight now?

Why am I so blessed that I feel so great in my body?

Why is it so easy to leave extra food on my plate when I’ve eaten just enough to fuel my body?

Why is it so easy to choose nourishing foods?

Why am I so blessed that I feel safe now being a size ____?

Why is it so easy to release old negative thoughts and beliefs and incorporate positive thinking into my day?


Please give it a try and send me a comment to let me know how it goes.

