I love donuts! Gotta be Krispy Kreme (We could digress into a discourse about KK verses Dunkin Donuts but obviously that’s not my real purpose here). Anyway, although I love donuts, I very rarely eat them. They might taste good going in but they make me feel yucky physically and don’t do a thing for filling my “Soul Hole”.
So what do I mean by the Soul Hole? I’m talking about your soul desires. Your true wants and desires that go way beyond your lower physical desires.
Things that fill your Soul Hole are things that feel good in your heart and simply make you feel better from the inside out. Forgiveness. Prayer. Meditation. Walks in nature. You get the idea.
So today I want to talk about Self Love. Learning to love and accept yourself in a deep, soul satisfying way changes your world in ways you can’t even imagine until you experience it for yourself.
I recently had a conversation with a client who took my Transformations class in 2015. She shared with me an experience of being around several women at a conference for a few days. She noted how she could tell that so many of them didn’t love themselves, maybe not even like themselves by their posture and how they carried themselves. My client reflected on the fact that she does honestly love and accept herself now after the work she did during our class last year. She’s also off of sugar and has lost weight since then. (Very, very exciting for me to hear!!)
So how can you get there? Well, I believe growing your self love and acceptance is a process, a journey. Not a one time thing. That is why I’ve created #5DaystoSelfLove. This is a series of 5 emails that you will receive when you sign up here. Each day you’ll receive an email in the morning with a short video that will guide you through a very quick but powerful process to increase your self love and acceptance. Six minutes or less each day for five days can make a bigger difference than you think.
In the meantime, simply start with the idea that it is truly possible to love and accept yourself. No matter where you’re starting from or where you’ve been, you can learn to love yourself and it changes everything. Really! I promise.
And by the way, if you know anyone who could benefit from a little self love in their lives, please share so they can join #5DaystoSelfLove too.