Does shame weigh you down? Run your life? Keep you stuck and unable to move forward?
Does your inner critic constantly tell you that you aren’t good enough? That your body is never good enough?
Are you always worried about what people will think?
If you do manage to step out a bit, then does that inner voice ask, “Who do you think you are?”
Is your perfectionism or procrastination just shame sneakily running your life?

Join Deanna and Ruthi for this free live Zoom call to explore these questions and more. We’ll use EFT Tapping to start the process of releasing the shame that weighs you down so you can move forward with courage and love for yourself and others.
The truth is everyone experiences shame. It’s a silent epidemic that is running most of our lives behind the scenes.

Shame steals our joy, limits what we’re able to achieve and stops us dead in our tracks.
During this powerful call, we’ll lead you through a process of connecting to your authentic self. We’ll move you forward to courage, connection and compassion and release the fear, blame, guilt and disconnection that you’ve been experiencing for far too long.
What you’ll learn in this 1 hour free presentation:
- 3 main sources of shame
- 3 most damaging blocking beliefs you experience from shame
- 3 most effective ways to release shame and how this can transform your life
If you’re ready to explore your shame and connect with your authentic, incredible self, join us for this free call.
Join us in our private Facebook group where we’ll be discussing this important topic more in depth!

Ruthi Cohen-Joyner is a motivational speaker and transformational energy coach certified in hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Matrix Reimprinting and Matrix Birth Reimprinting.
Her work helps women create loving relationships with their mind, body and soul so they can release the emotional weight that holds them back from living their deepest desires.
She uses an incredibly effective combination of today’s best healing modalities to generate lasting breakthroughs, inspiration and loving support.

Deanna works with people who are stressed out and ready to do something different to gain freedom from the obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors that accompany that stress. She skillfully guides clients to feel liberated and alive even in the midst of chaos!
One of her passions is working with people who are fed up with conflicting advice about what to eat and helps them break free from the obsession to feel comfortable today!
Deanna utilizes time tested tools and new cutting edge techniques to bridge the mind, body, and spirit. She has certifications in Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques/Tapping), Matrix Reimprinting, and more.