I can jump over my house!


I can jump over my house!

OK, not really, but my daughter made this remark to make fun of some of the health claims we hear these days and it was pretty funny so just had to share.

The reality of many health claims is some things work, some things don’t. Nothing works for everyone all the time. But I gotta tell you, I’ve been listening to the Hay House World Summit and have been reminded of a few claims that I believe are really true.

Joy is a choice and you can choose it now. In Alan Cohen’s interview, I was impressed with lots that he shared but that simple idea really stuck with me. Outside circumstances really don’t determine how we feel; it’s our perceptions and how we choose to look at our circumstances that really matters. Haven’t you know people experiencing serious illness who almost seem to thrive in spite of the situation?

In Sara Vance’s interview on The Real Secret to Losing Weight, she asked: “What emotions are you eating?” Great question! Next time you reach for something to eat when you’re not physically hungry, asking yourself this question could be very helpful.

I heard about the importance of Community. We thrive in community and that is one of the main reasons that I teach classes like Matrix Weight Loss Mastery. Those of us with eating and weight issues need to come together to love and support each other. Not to sit around and lament “Ain’t it awful?” but to build each other up. To know that we don’t have to stay stuck in misery. There is hope and change is possible. It won’t be perfect and life will still be messy but that’s what we’ve got each other for. And I can’t even begin to tell you all the glorious changes I am blessed to witness in my clients on a regular basis.

Lastly, just remember that life is about how you live it each day. Enjoying each moment. Life is the JOURNEY, not the destination. (Hence the name of my business). What you choose to feed yourself each day matters. Do you feed your soul with meditation, prayer, yoga, connection, and nourishing food OR the 3 big lies according to Renee Stephens- hopelessness, helplessness and I’m not good enough?

The choice is always up to you in every moment. Choose Joy! Choose Self Love. Choose Life to the fullest.


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